Monday, 28 June 2021

Online Istikharah

 Today we shall discuss another important topic that is known as online istikhara. Istikhara is to get suggestion from Allah. It is better to do istikhara before taking any major decision. There are two main types of istikhara. One is to perform istikhara prayer by yourself and second method is to say someone else to do istikhara for you. 

One who get suggestion through istikhara never bears any loss. One has to offer two rakat nafals after isha prayer and then recite following surah with quite faith and honesty. Then sleep. You will get an signal about wheather the job you are going to do is good or not.

So basically istikharah is to know the truth and find out what is right and what is wrong. For second method of istikhara let us suppose that one cannot perform istikhara for any reason then our Rohani specialist Mufti Husnain Qadri Noshahi can perform istikhara for you and this all is free of cost.

Usually human does what he thinks is right but he gets loss in it. The reason of this is that there is not consent of God in it. So the main meaning of istikhara is also this that to know the consent of God almighty in any job. Because any job in which there is consent of God that job never fails. So this is compulsory to perform istikhara before doing any job.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Remove Black Magic

 The topic we are going to discuss today is about remove black magic. There come many questions in mind when we discuss black magic. For example one may forced to think weather black magic exist or not, how to diagnose black magic, is it possible to remove black magic and more.

So we shall try to cover all such topics in this article. In-fact black magic is a reality. Black magic can hit a human and can cause serious problems for him/her. Our rohani astrologer Ullama Mufti Husnain Qadri Noshahi is one of best black magic removal expert. He is well-versed in his field and has cured many patients in his life.

As said earlier that black magic is very much harmful and can cause serious illness as well as cause disputes among husband and wife. So if you feel problem in your life for example there are difficulties in your life, there are disputes in your house, you get various problems in job or business, you are suffering from some kind of illness and/or there is any-other problem in your life then do not waste your time and contact Ullama Mufti Husnain Qadri as soon as possible and get checkup for black magic.

There are two main uses of black magic. One obvious use of black magic is to harm other people. And second use of black magic is to remove black magic. 

Monday, 21 June 2021

Love Marriage Specialist

 Today the topic we are going to discuss is love marriage specialist. Love marriage is becoming popular day by day. Youngsters prefer love marriage over arrange marriage. Actually many boys and girls fall in love with each other in collage and university life. The love grows day by day and atlast they get no option except marrying each other. 

But major problem occurs when parents do not agree and do not allow their child to marry his/her beloved. So what is the solution of this problem? Here we shall discuss all the pros and cons of love marriage with respect to arranged marriage.

Major pros of love marriage include freedom to choose partner of your choice, better understanding of each other, love, trust on partner, self satisfaction, parents not need to search for a match. 

Major disadvantages of love marriage include there is a lot of anxiety and stress that people go through when they marry a person of their choice, usually people do not get parental support and everyone in their family turns against them, because in love marriage people know each other excessively so it leads to loss of respect for each other, there is a lot of risk of separation in love marriage.

Now let us discuss some advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriage. So, major advantages of arrange marriage include that arrange marriage get more acceptance and honor in society with respect to love marriage, there is support of parents, in laws adjustment is better in arranged marriage.

Some disadvantages of arrange marriage are lack of mutual understanding so difficulty to adjust, lack of love, lack of trust on partner, etc.

So we are offering you best solution of love marriage with spiritual astrology by world famous astrologer Ullama Mufti Husnain Qadri Noshahi.

Friday, 4 June 2021

Husband wife dispute problem solution

 The topic we are going to discuss today is husband wife dispute problem solution. Remember that marriage is a very lovely and sacred relation which requires full attention and devotion by both husband and wife.


If both husband and wife are loyal to each other and cooperate honestly with each other then no one can disturb their relation.

There may be one or more than one from many issues between the relation of husband and wife. These problems can occur within one to two years after the marriage. The major issues may be childless problem, financial problems, lack of trust, some other person within the relation causing problems, black magic by jealous people, mother and wife disputes, the mismatching of astrological stars, change of place of astrological stars, etc.

Now question arises that how to overcome the above described problems? The answer of this question is that these problems can be solved very easily through rohani amliyat and astrology. IF you are suffering one or more than one above described problems than contact rohani scholor Ullama Mufti Husnain Qadri Noshahi.

Online Istikharah

 Today we shall discuss another important topic that is known as online istikhara. Istikhara is to get suggestion from Allah. It is better t...