Monday, 21 June 2021

Love Marriage Specialist

 Today the topic we are going to discuss is love marriage specialist. Love marriage is becoming popular day by day. Youngsters prefer love marriage over arrange marriage. Actually many boys and girls fall in love with each other in collage and university life. The love grows day by day and atlast they get no option except marrying each other. 

But major problem occurs when parents do not agree and do not allow their child to marry his/her beloved. So what is the solution of this problem? Here we shall discuss all the pros and cons of love marriage with respect to arranged marriage.

Major pros of love marriage include freedom to choose partner of your choice, better understanding of each other, love, trust on partner, self satisfaction, parents not need to search for a match. 

Major disadvantages of love marriage include there is a lot of anxiety and stress that people go through when they marry a person of their choice, usually people do not get parental support and everyone in their family turns against them, because in love marriage people know each other excessively so it leads to loss of respect for each other, there is a lot of risk of separation in love marriage.

Now let us discuss some advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriage. So, major advantages of arrange marriage include that arrange marriage get more acceptance and honor in society with respect to love marriage, there is support of parents, in laws adjustment is better in arranged marriage.

Some disadvantages of arrange marriage are lack of mutual understanding so difficulty to adjust, lack of love, lack of trust on partner, etc.

So we are offering you best solution of love marriage with spiritual astrology by world famous astrologer Ullama Mufti Husnain Qadri Noshahi.

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