Friday, 4 June 2021

Husband wife dispute problem solution

 The topic we are going to discuss today is husband wife dispute problem solution. Remember that marriage is a very lovely and sacred relation which requires full attention and devotion by both husband and wife.


If both husband and wife are loyal to each other and cooperate honestly with each other then no one can disturb their relation.

There may be one or more than one from many issues between the relation of husband and wife. These problems can occur within one to two years after the marriage. The major issues may be childless problem, financial problems, lack of trust, some other person within the relation causing problems, black magic by jealous people, mother and wife disputes, the mismatching of astrological stars, change of place of astrological stars, etc.

Now question arises that how to overcome the above described problems? The answer of this question is that these problems can be solved very easily through rohani amliyat and astrology. IF you are suffering one or more than one above described problems than contact rohani scholor Ullama Mufti Husnain Qadri Noshahi.

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